In Crown Casino Carpet Maintenance Comparison Test
Best Results, Reasonable Cost
TheCrown Casino in Melbourne, Australia, has wool axminster carpet throughout and wanted to establish a maintenance program for the carpet that would deliver the best results at a reasonable cost. They organized a three-month test in the casino to help them decide on a method - testing HOST, hot water extraction and bonnet cleaning. Three high-traffic areas in the casino were maintained for three months using these methods; all three areas chosen were the same size and were exposed to an equal amount of heavy traffic.
Independent Testing Confirms Results
After three months, samples of the carpet from each area (including a sample of the original carpet) were sent to the Australian Wool Testing Authority (AWTA) for evaluation. Sample A was the HOST cleaned sample; Sample B, the bonnet cleaned; and Sample C, the hot water extraction cleaned sample. The lab concluded the following:
Better Color Retention: The HOST sample had better color retention, "The apparent color change of the surface of Sample A was rated closer to the original carpet than Samples B and C, which have experienced a greater loss of color and pattern definition."
Least Total Soil: Before vacuuming the samples for extractable matter, it was found that the HOST sample (Sample A) weighed 75 grams/m2 less than Sample C (hot water extraction) and 280 grams/m2 less than Sample B (bonnet).
Least Soil Retention: The HOST sample (Sample A) had less water-soluble soil and less solvent-soluble soil than Sample B (bonnet) and Sample C (hot water extraction).
HOST® Most Effective Cleaning Process
The conclusion of the AWTA: "Based on the test results and the observations made on the submitted sample... Sample A (HOST) has the most effective cleaning process out of the three 'cleaned' carpets submitted."
With HOST, Clean and Dry Carpet Is Not a Gamble - It's a Sure Thing.